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Going back in time

Git allows you to view a history of all the changes ever committed.

Viewing changes in a commit

To view the changes made in a commit, in the tree, select the branch that contains the commit, locate the commit and click on it.

The Diff dialog will appear.

The Diff dialog allows you to view what files were changed in a commit, and how they were changed. Select a file on the left to view the changes.

The left side shows you the version of the file before the commit, and the right side shows you the version of the file after the commit.

Viewing files at a commit

Checking out a commit updates the files on the disk to reflect the state of the repository when that commit was made. Once you checkout a commit, you can browse through the repository's files as if you had just made that commit.


After checking out a commit, you will be in a detached HEAD state - that is, you are not on a branch. Actions that require you to be on a branch will be unavailable, and making commits in this state can cause you to lose commits unless you branch off the commit.

To recover from a detached HEAD, checkout a branch.

Checking out a commit in the history

To view all the files at a specific commit, in the tree, select the branch that contains the commit, locate the commit and right click on it. Select  Checkout.

theBranch will checkout the commit and update the files on the disk.

Checking out a commit by commit hash

If you have the commit hash of a commit that you would like to checkout, you can use the Checkout Revision dialog.

To open the Checkout Revision dialog, click on the branch name in the bottom left corner of the tree. Alternatively, select  Checkout CTRL. from the menu. On a Mac, go to Tree > Checkout.

The Checkout Revision dialog will appear.

Switch to Commit and then enter the commit hash that you want to check out. Details about the commit will appear in the empty space below.

If the correct commit appears in the empty space, click  Checkout. theBranch will checkout the commit and update the files on the disk.